We sat down with David Olinde, one of the founders of Avie Naturals, to hear from him why he and the rest of the owners wanted to start Avie Naturals and share the benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin with the world. Here’s our conversation:
How did Avie begin?
Hector (One of Avie’s chief scientists & founders) and Michael know each other through the Rotary Club International. Hector was the success story of Mika (a small 3rd world village in Tanzania). Hector wanted to install a water well to provide clean drinking water close by so the villagers didn’t have to walk long distances to get sub-par water for their families. After hearing of the village’s challenges from Hector, Michael and Hector figured out a way to give clean water, better education and sustainable resources to this community. Hector formed a non-profit called the Mika Foundation. His desire to serve & give back is what started Avie. We feel it is our corporate social responsibility to give 10% of our profits to doing good via the Mika Foundation and other charitable causes. We knew that would be the right thing to do because that’s what the good book says! So, then we put a team together that all had the same vision & beliefs. All of a sudden – boom. Avie was born.
What prompted you to get into nutraceuticals?
We’ve got this great product formulated by Hector and Carola (the other chief scientist) and we had a mission to give back. It was a great opportunity for me personally and an opportunity to give back. It was two-fold.
Why the name?
The name Avie in French means “to live.” We all sat around one day trying to think of a name and my brother Henry, an Attorney, said, “Let’s think about the mission and the company and what we’re trying to do. It’s a life-based product and we’re trying to give life back.”
Which Avie products do you use?
I take the curcumi (Ultramicronized Turmeric Curcumin) every day. Generally, if I have joint pain – I’ve got bursitis in my shoulder – I will take two of the Joint Balance in the morning and two of the regular Ultramicronized Turmeric Curcumin at night.
I’m also a fisherman. When I’m reeling in big fish it absolutely helps. It helps with the sore muscles after, and the recovery time is cut in half.
During the day it takes a lot of the pain and swelling away. You really notice it when you quit taking it. When you go somewhere for a couple days and you don’t have it, you feel a difference. If you’re going to get into a healthy regimen, you need to make sure to eat well and take supplements and try it out and see if it’s going to work from you.
When I met Hector he started telling me all the benefits – brain health, anti-inflammation, joint benefits, and digestive benefits. It should help out with inflammation from the inside out. Just do the research. Our product is way superior to everything on the market, it’s just getting the word out.
What makes Avie products better than others on the market?
It is bioavailable and water soluble, whereas others are not. People absorb almost 100% of the active ingredients because of the ultramicronization process. With others it is maybe 5-10%, if that. Anyone can do this to see what I mean – just take our product and the competitor’s product and drop it into two separate cups of water and see what happens.
Thanks David!